Favorite Fall Makeup Trends of 2016 + Tutorials

Don't know how to do your makeup for the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities? No worries, I've got you covered! I did all the work and search youtube for what I believe to be the BEST of the BEST looks. Above is a collage of some of my favorite looks that match two of my favorite Pantone colors for Fall 2016! It also happens that these two colors look beautiful together! Below are links to some great tutorials from some of my favorite YouTubers to make sure that you are looking your best this thanksgiving. Regardless if you are spending it with your friends, family or both! Most of the eye looks can be used on various skin tones and to complete your look use a blush or lip color that suits you best. Remember tutorials are only guides and you can change it up any way you like! Leave a comment if you used any of these looks or tag me on Instagram using the hashtag #shewillsparkleblog.

1. Carli Bybel- Romantic Fall Date Night Makeup

2.  Desi Perkins- Fall Glam Look Berry Bold Lips + Winged Liner

3. Shaaanxo- Fall Makeup Tutorial! ♥ Deep Berry Lips & Smokey Eyes!

4. Casey Holmes- Orange Fall Makeup Tutorial

5. KaaylaDee- Fall Makeup Tutorial

6. Teaira Walker- Cool Toned Fall Makeup Look!


Thanks for reading, come back again some time!