Brooklyn Botany Rosemary Essential Oil & How to Use it

Uses and Benefits of Rosemary Oil

Mental Health

     Rosemary essential oil can be used to relieve many different problems just by inhaling the scent! Adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil, like one from Brooklyn Botany, can relieve stress. It was shown to decrease the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, in a 2007 study. Having too much cortisol can cause weight gain, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Along with stress relief, rosemary oil can provide anxiety relief and mental clarity. Simply rub a few drops on your hands and cup over your nose for up to 1 minute. This should relieve those overwhelmed, confused, tense, anxious feelings, leaving you with a clear head.

Physical Health

     Rosemary oil is not only great for our mental health but for our physical health as well. If you are feeling cramped after a long workout or just need to improve the circulation in your body this can help. Simply rub a few drops of rosemary oil mixed with a carrier oil(coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil...) onto the areas that need a bit of help. To cure bloating and indigestion, combine rosemary oil and a carrier oil then massage onto the stomach or bottom of your feet for relief. We can't forget about cold and flu season! To alleviate some of your symptoms massage 1 to 2 drops of rosemary oil on your chest and throat every few hours.

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